Today is Nipsey Hussle’s Birthday….
What does this mean to me? It means how you lived in the physical is just important after transitioning from life into the next phase and your creativity…your art immortalizes you FOREVER.. I listen to the albums Victory Lap, Crenshaw, some of his mixtapes when I need a raw wise lyrical artist that never apologizes for who he was. But tell me when you hear joints like '“Last Time I Checc’d” that it don’t have you feel that west coast vibe?? .. I mean the production is chef’s kiss… other joints like Blue Laces.. 1 and 2! Nipsey didn’t shy away from letting you know who he was, where he was from… when you see the marathon flag you just knew…. when you heard his voice unique with the west coast twang…telling you in his lyrics how life really was.. the weight he carried on his shoulders….
He would be 38 today, and watching the interview with Blacc Sam who is his “twin” brother in voice, spirit, physical embodied… is knowing that he lives in his family, his music, his clothing…. recommend watching the link below
In the meantime…
Play a Nipsey track today and look to the sky ….